Yes, I know. Lawyers can get a certain type of bad rap, and the stereotypes have not been kind to us over the decades. Sure, some attorneys can be greedy and abrasive, and not every lawyer is a noble member of the profession. However, the vast majority of attorneys do good work for their clients and causes.
Whether one is a small business person, corporate shareholder, an accused person, an injured person, somebody who needs an estate completed, or many other types of personal, business and philanthropic matters, there are plenty of lawyers who quietly rise to the occasion and do competent work for their particular client. In many cases, lawyers take on pro bono representations or reduce their fees to meet the needs of a particular client. This often gets forgotten or ignored.
Like many lawyers, I got into the legal profession because I wanted to advocate for and assist people in the need of representation. It's fulfilling to help make a client whole, get them back on their feet or help get them the appropriate remedy for their difficult situation.
It seems that the good work of many lawyers is forgotten in the media and popular culture. Lawyers can often step into some volatile and challenging situations trying to help people, and sometimes these situations can be inherently adversarial. It's hard to get the perfect result in every situation. It can be loosely analogous to a medical patient going in for a tough health care matter: the doctor will face the challenges of the complex situation and try to achieve the best result for the patient.
So when you're in a legal dilemma, don't forget there are many good lawyers out there who are also good people! Have you hugged your lawyer today? :-)
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