Plaintiff personal injury attorneys will frequently highlight their big case results, generally, that refers to significant monetary settlements and large jury verdicts. These types of cases can no doubt be important and the product of excellent legal work. At the same time, there are many small and modest sized cases that people never hear about that can also be the product of hard work and a deserving client.
I recently concluded my representation of a Middle East combat war veteran. My now former client is a hard working lady who has dealt with a lot of challenges in her life, including PTSD. My client came to me for a dog bite injury. She got mauled pretty bad by this dog.
The insurance company and the defendants involved pushed about every imaginable defense to try to beat the claim. They got personal towards my client and threw out some defenses that were just not the facts of the case. Well, after a couple of years of back and forth, we were able to get my client's case resolved, and my client obtained a recovery that is satisfactory. This was a hard fought case, it will never make headlines, yet it is the type of case where you realize as a personal injury attorney that you can help make a difference in a person's life, even if the case does not involve a huge monetary recovery. When I delivered my client her settlement check this month it was a very good feeling to see this deserving lady receive some compensation for her injury.
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