Sports legal issues arise in a variety of arenas. When most people think of sports law, they think of professional athletes, expensive contracts, and large-scale infrastructure projects, like sports stadiums. The reality, however, is that sports law can also be applicable to people who play sports recreationally in local Seattle communities as adults, who participate in school sports, who attend sporting events as fans or in a professional capacity, and people who participate in sports journalism.
Sports law can overlap with many areas of substantive law that governs the rights and obligations of individuals and collective bodies, including:
- Antitrust law
- Contract law
- Copyright law
- Discrimination law
- Education law
- Insurance law
- Privacy law
- Torts law (personal injury cases)
Many sports law cases have ended up in front of the U.S. Supreme Court, or as issues in other high courts. And sports legal matters are not just reported in the sports section or on sports shows, but are often front page, leading headline material for major news organizations.
Sports Law Consulting & Media
Paul Schneiderman is available as a consultant and interview subject on sports law. Paul has commented on a wide range of sports legal issues on radio and tv networks. Paul was recently interviewed on Seattle's ABC affiliate, KOMO 4 News about a Title IX issue that involves an accused athlete. View the story here.
Paul has unique insights on sports law as an attorney, analyzing sports legal issues as both an interview subject, sports radio show host, and lifelong sports fan. Though never a top athlete, Paul played sports of all kinds as a kid. He grew up really enjoying his local Seattle teams, including the Sonics, Mariners, Seahawks, UW Huskies, and Sounders.
All aspects of sports have always interested Paul and he enjoys adding the dimension of sports to his background as an attorney. Since July 2017, Paul has hosted his own sports podcast, Sports Untold also on the Rainier Avenue Radio World Network.
Paul frequently discusses sports-related legal issues with guests on Sports Untold, touching on topics from municipal stadium funding with guests such as King County Executive Dow Constantine and Save Our Sonics co-founder Brian Robinson, trends in ticket sales, civil rights/discrimination issues, national and state level sports law and politics with former Washington State Attorney General and U.S. Senator Slade Gordon, and mental health issues in professional sports with NBA all-star James Donaldson.
For links to additional Sports Untold shows and interviews, please visit the Media page.
Please contact Paul at 206-464-1952 for more information about Paul's consulting fees and media availability.
Sports Injury
Paul Schneiderman is an experienced, dedicated attorney who is available to represent people in personal injury and other sports-related legal matters. Sports law is not just for professional athletes! Sports injury cases can occur while an athlete is playing sports at any level, as well as to sports spectators. For more information, please visit our Sports Injury page.